import sys S = 0 for l in [code,num] = l.split('|') codes = code.split(" ") D = { } # uniq choices 1,4,7,8 D[1] = [l for l in codes if len(l)==2][0] D[7] = [l for l in codes if len(l)==3][0] D[4] = [l for l in codes if len(l)==4][0] D[8] = [l for l in codes if len(l)==7][0] # multiple choices L5 = [l for l in codes if len(l)==5] # 2 or 3 or 5 L6 = [l for l in codes if len(l)==6] # 0 or 6 or 9 # only 9 contains a 4 (and a 3) D[9] = [l for l in L6 if (set(l)&set(D[4]))==set(D[4])][0] # 0 contains a 7 and a 1 is not a 9 D[0] = [l for l in L6 if (set(l)&set(D[7]))==set(D[7]) and l != D[9]][0] # 6 is not a 9 nor a 0 D[6] = [l for l in L6 if l != D[0] and l != D[9]][0] # only 3 contains a 7 D[3] = [l for l in L5 if len(set(l)&set(D[7]))==3][0] # 5 has only on difference with 6, 2 has 3 D[5] = [l for l in L5 if len(set(l)^set(D[6]))==1][0] # 2 is not a 5 nor a 3 D[2] = [l for l in L5 if l != D[5] and l != D[3]][0] # decode using inverted dictionary E = {"".join(sorted(v)):k for (k,v) in D.items()} S += int("".join(str(E["".join(sorted(i))]) for i in num.split(" ")[1:])) print(S)