day 23, game set and match

This commit is contained in:
setop 2022-12-23 21:04:46 +01:00
parent 9897d22863
commit 611e99dbf5

d23/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
import sys
E = { (y,x) for y,l in enumerate(
for x,c in enumerate(l)
if c == '#' }
def can(y,x):
can1 = (y-1,x-1) not in E
can2 = (y-1,x) not in E
can3 = (y-1,x+1) not in E
can4 = (y,x+1) not in E
can5 = (y+1,x+1) not in E
can6 = (y+1,x) not in E
can7 = (y+1,x-1) not in E
can8 = (y,x-1) not in E
return [can1,can2,can3,can4,can5,can6,can7,can8]
def canN(y,x,can1,can2,can3,can4,can5,can6,can7,can8):
if can1 and can2 and can3:
return (y-1,x)
def canS(y,x,can1,can2,can3,can4,can5,can6,can7,can8):
if can5 and can6 and can7:
return (y+1,x)
def canW(y,x,can1,can2,can3,can4,can5,can6,can7,can8):
if can7 and can8 and can1:
return (y,x-1)
def canE(y,x,can1,can2,can3,can4,can5,can6,can7,can8):
if can3 and can4 and can5:
return (y,x+1)
def dim():
minx = min(x for (_,x) in E)
maxx = max(x for (_,x) in E)
miny = min(y for (y,_) in E)
maxy = max(y for (y,_) in E)
return (maxx-minx+1,maxy-miny+1) # W,H
from collections import deque
dirs = deque([canN,canS,canW,canE])
for r in range(int(sys.argv[1])): # rounds
P = dict() # { new_pos: old_pos }
for e in E: # for each elve
(y,x) = e
cans = can(y,x) # compute once instead of four
moves = [ d(y,x,*cans) for d in dirs ]
if all(m is not None for m in moves): # far away
if all(m is None for m in moves): # all packed
p = next(filter(lambda m: m is not None ,moves))
if p not in P: # can move
P[p] = (y,x)
else: # occupied, invalidate move for all
P[p] = None
moved = { v for k,v in P.items() if v is not None }
newpos = { k for k,v in P.items() if v is not None }
if r+1 == 10:
(W,H) = dim()
print(W, H, W * H - len(E))
if len(newpos) == 0:
(W,H) = dim()
print(f"no move after {r+1}, {W}, {H}")
E = (E - moved) | newpos