51 lines
1.6 KiB
51 lines
1.6 KiB
import sys
import re
pat = re.compile('Valve ([A-Z]{2}) has flow rate=([0-9]+); tunnels? leads? to valves? ([ ,A-Z]+)')
P = dict()
for i,l in enumerate(sys.stdin.read().splitlines()):
g = pat.search(l)
p = int(g[2])
P[g[1]] = (i, p, g[3].split(", "))
STEPS = int(sys.argv[1])
ALLO = 0
for _,(i,p,_) in P.items():
if p == 0:
ALLO = ALLO | (1<<i)
cache = {}
def step(pos1="AA", pos2="AA", left=STEPS, opens=ALLO):
opens store valves openess 0: closed, 1: open
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
eg: 0b1000011110 -> 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
return : score = max(p*left + open valve if not open and continue, not open valve and continue)
if left <= 0:
return 0
key = (min(pos1, pos2), max(pos1,pos2), left, opens)
r = cache.get(key, -1)
if r >= 0:
return r
(i1, p1, nh1) = P[pos1]
(i2, p2, nh2) = P[pos2]
isopen1 = opens & (1 << i1)
isopen2 = opens & (1 << i2)
a = b = c = d = 0
if pos1 != pos2 and not isopen1 and not isopen2: # open both if not same, but don't move
a = p1*(left+26-STEPS-1) + p2*(left+26-STEPS-1) + step(pos1, pos2, left-1, opens|(1<<i1)|(1<<i2))
if not isopen1: # p1 opens, p2 moves
b = p1*(left+26-STEPS-1) + max(step(pos1, n2, left-1, opens|(1<<i1)) for n2 in nh2)
if not isopen2: # p1 moves, p2 opens
c = p2*(left+26-STEPS-1) + max(step(n1, pos2, left-1, opens|(1<<i2)) for n1 in nh1)
# both moves, no new open
d = max(step(n1, n2, left-1, opens) for n1 in nh1 for n2 in nh2)
r = max(a,b,c,d)
cache[key] = r
return r