import sys def strset(s,i,c): return s[:i]+c+s[i+1:] def next(pat, nums, patc=''): # pat must terminiate with '.' #print(f"next {pat=} {nums=} ({patc=}), {len(pat)+len(patc)}") if len(nums) == 0: if pat.find('#')<0: #print("valid", patc) return 1 return 0 # find all ways to build first block l = nums[0] block = '#'*l rest = sum(nums[1:]) n = 0 m = len(pat)-l-rest for i in range(m): # if can build block: z = pat[i:i+l].replace('?','#') #print(f"{i=}/{m=} {z=}, {pat[i+l]}") if z == block: ##print("march, and ", pat[i+l]) if pat[:i].find('#')<0 and not pat[i+l] == '#': # '.' or '?' #pat = strset(pat, i+l, '.') # recurse r = next(pat[i+l+1:], nums[1:], patc+pat[:i].replace('?','.')+z+'.') if r > 0: n += r return n S= 0 for i,l in enumerate( pattern, snums = l.split(' ') nums = list(map(int,snums.split(','))) n = next(pattern+'.', nums) print(i,l,n) S += n print(S)