ab: name: Apache Benchmark desc: a tool for benchmarking your Apache Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server arc: desc: Easily create & extract archives, and compress & decompress files of various formats github: mholt/archiver aria2: desc: lightweight multi-protocol & multi-source command-line download utility github: aria2/aria2 asdf: desc: manage developement environments for many languages with multiple concurrent versions github: asdf-vm/asdf asciinema: desc: Record and share your terminal sessions website: https://asciinema.org/ pip: bat: desc: a better less bottom: desc: A customizable cross-platform graphical process/system monitor for the terminal github: ClementTsang/bottom chezmoi: desc: Manage your dotfiles across multiple diverse machines, securely github: twpayne/chezmoi claws: desc: websocket interactive client github: thehowl/claws cliget: desc: install various tools in your user profile github: setop/cliget exa: desc: enhanced ls fail: desc: this entry will fail, for test purpos github: fail/fail fd: desc: A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to `find` github: sharkdp/fd ffmpeg: desc: A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video releases: http://ffmpeg.org/releases/ fio: desc: io benchmark fzf: desc: fuzzy search glances: desc: a better top/htop gloss: desc: markdown viewer gotty: desc: Share your terminal as a web application gron: desc: flatter json to make it greppable github: tomnomnom/gron grype: desc: A vulnerability scanner for container images and filesystems github: anchore/grype hey: desc: HTTP load generator, ApacheBench (ab) replacement github: rakyll/hey hishtory: desc: Better Shell History github: ddworken/hishtory htop: desc: an interactive process viewer github: htop-dev/htop website: https://htop.dev/ httpie: desc: A simple yet powerful command-line HTTP and API testing client for the API era. pip: tags: curl httpx: desc: fully featured HTTP client for Python 3, which provides sync and async APIs, and support for both HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 pip: tags: curl hx: name: helix desc: text editor, inspired by vim jless: desc: a command-line JSON viewer designed for reading, exploring, and searching through JSON data github: PaulJuliusMartinez/jless jp: desc: dead simple terminal plots from JSON data github: sgreben/jp jq: desc: json query github: stedolan/jq just: desc: a handy way to save and run project-specific commands. github: casey/just tags: task runner, rust ko: desc: a simple, fast container image builder for Go applications. github: ko-build/ko lazygit: desc: simple terminal UI for git commands github: jesseduffield/lazygit mc: desc: minio client versions: # see https://github.com/penpyt/asdf-mc/raw/master/bin/list-all mintotp: desc: generate TOTP from the terminal mintproxy: desc: interactive, SSL/TLS-capable intercepting proxy with a console interface for HTTP/1, HTTP/2, and WebSockets. pipx: mosh: desc: Remote terminal application that allows roaming, supports intermittent connectivity, and provides intelligent local echo and line editing of user keystrokes. website: https://mosh.org/ github: mobile-shell/mosho outrun: desc: Delegate execution of a local command to a remote machine. github: Overv/outrun pip: pet: desc: Simple command-line snippet manager github: knqyf263/pet pylufic: inst: direct desc: Let's upload that file CLI qr: desc: generate qr code github: Y2Z/qr redo: desc: create reusable functions from your history in an interactive way github: barthr/redo rlwrap: desc: A readline wrapper, with history and completion github: hanslub42/rlwrap rg: name: ripgrep desc: improved grep github: BurntSushi/ripgrep sake: desc: a command runner for local and remote hosts github: alajmo/sake website: https://sakecli.com/ slugify: desc: generate sluged version of input github: un33k/python-slugify slurp: desc: put whole input in memory before processing shell: cat > /dev/shm/slurp_$$ && cat /dev/shm/slurp_$$ ; rm /dev/shm/slurp_$$ sqlite-utils: desc: manipulate sqlite db (ETL) website: https://sqlite-utils.datasette.io/ pipx: stork: desc: full text search, index in terminal, query in terminal or embed in web page github: jameslittle230/stork tab: desc: A modern text/number processing language for the shell. website: http://tab-lang.xyz/ github: https://bitbucket.org/tkatchev/tab task: github: go-task/task desc: A task runner / simpler Make alternative written in Go teip: desc: Highly efficient "Masking tape" for Shell github: greymd/teip terminews: desc: RSS client in the terminal github: antavelos/terminews #tldr: # desc: Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands ; must choose a client # website: https://tldr.sh/ tmux: desc: terminal multiplexer github: tmux/tmux tqdm: desc: a better pv pip: ttyd: desc: share terminal over the web github: tsl0922/ttyd up: desc: interactively edit pipe name: Ultimate Plumber github: akavel/up ups: desc: Command line tools for manipulating UPS patch files githb: rameshvarun/ups tag: language:go vd: name: VisiData desc: interactive multitool for tabular data pip: visidata,lxml,odfpy,openpyxl,pyarrow,urllib3,requests,pyinstaller vhs: desc: Write terminal GIFs as code for integration testing and demoing your CLI tools. github: charmbracelet/vhs vuls: desc: Agent-less vulnerability scanner for Linux, FreeBSD, Container, WordPress, Programming language libraries, Network devices github: future-architect/vuls watchgod: desc: Watch a directory and execute a python function on changes. pip: websocat: desc: client for web sockets, like netcat/curl/socat but for ws:// github: vi/websocat wrk: desc: Modern HTTP benchmarking tool github: wg/wrk:wq ww: name: webwormhole desc: creates ephemeral pipes between computers website: https://webwormhole.io/ xh: desc: Friendly and fast tool for sending HTTP requests github: ducaale/xh xsv: desc: a fast CSV command line toolkit github: BurntSushi/xsv zee: desc: modern text editor for the terminal cargo: z: name: zoxide desc: A smarter cd command. Supports all major shells, inspired by z and autojump. github: ajeetdsouza/zoxide zq: desc: process data with Zed queries github: brimdata/zed zsync: desc: file transfer program ; based on rsync ; downloads only new parts of the file website: http://zsync.moria.org.uk/