Upgrade to 0.19
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
"type": "package",
"name": "NoRedInk/elm-sortable-table",
"summary": "Sortable tables for whatever data you want to display.",
"license": "BSD-3-Clause",
"version": "1.0.0",
"exposed-modules": [
"elm-version": "0.19.0 <= v < 0.20.0",
"dependencies": {
"elm/core": "1.0.0 <= v < 2.0.0",
"elm/html": "1.0.0 <= v < 2.0.0",
"elm/json": "1.0.0 <= v < 2.0.0"
"test-dependencies": {}
@ -1,34 +1,35 @@
module Table exposing
( view
, config, stringColumn, intColumn, floatColumn
, State, initialSort
, Column, customColumn, veryCustomColumn
, Sorter, unsortable, increasingBy, decreasingBy
, increasingOrDecreasingBy, decreasingOrIncreasingBy
, Config, customConfig
, Customizations, HtmlDetails, Status(..), defaultCustomizations
( view
, config, stringColumn, intColumn, floatColumn
, State, initialSort
, Column, customColumn, veryCustomColumn
, Sorter, unsortable, increasingBy, decreasingBy
, increasingOrDecreasingBy, decreasingOrIncreasingBy
, Config, customConfig, Customizations, HtmlDetails, Status(..)
, defaultCustomizations
This library helps you create sortable tables. The crucial feature is that it
{-| This library helps you create sortable tables. The crucial feature is that it
lets you own your data separately and keep it in whatever format is best for
you. This way you are free to change your data without worrying about the table
“getting out of sync” with the data. Having a single source of
truth is pretty great!
I recommend checking out the [examples][] to get a feel for how it works.
I recommend checking out the [examples] to get a feel for how it works.
[examples]: https://github.com/evancz/elm-sortable-table/tree/master/examples
# View
@docs view
# Configuration
@docs config, stringColumn, intColumn, floatColumn
# State
@docs State, initialSort
@ -41,19 +42,22 @@ point are a bunch of ways to customize your table further. If it does not
provide what you need, you may just want to write a custom table yourself. It
is not that crazy.
## Custom Columns
@docs Column, customColumn, veryCustomColumn,
Sorter, unsortable, increasingBy, decreasingBy,
increasingOrDecreasingBy, decreasingOrIncreasingBy
@docs Column, customColumn, veryCustomColumn
@docs Sorter, unsortable, increasingBy, decreasingBy
@docs increasingOrDecreasingBy, decreasingOrIncreasingBy
## Custom Tables
@docs Config, customConfig, Customizations, HtmlDetails, Status,
@docs Config, customConfig, Customizations, HtmlDetails, Status
@docs defaultCustomizations
import Html exposing (Html, Attribute)
import Html exposing (Attribute, Html)
import Html.Attributes as Attr
import Html.Events as E
import Html.Keyed as Keyed
@ -67,8 +71,8 @@ import Json.Decode as Json
{-| Tracks which column to sort by.
type State =
State String Bool
type State
= State String Bool
{-| Create a table state. By providing a column name, you determine which
@ -78,10 +82,11 @@ yachts to be sorted by length by default, you might say:
import Table
Table.initialSort "Length"
initialSort : String -> State
initialSort header =
State header False
State header False
@ -90,16 +95,17 @@ initialSort header =
{-| Configuration for your table, describing your columns.
**Note:** Your `Config` should *never* be held in your model.
**Note:** Your `Config` should _never_ be held in your model.
It should only appear in `view` code.
type Config data msg =
{ toId : data -> String
, toMsg : State -> msg
, columns : List (ColumnData data msg)
, customizations : Customizations data msg
type Config data msg
= Config
{ toId : data -> String
, toMsg : State -> msg
, columns : List (ColumnData data msg)
, customizations : Customizations data msg
{-| Create the `Config` for your `view` function. Everything you need to
@ -126,46 +132,47 @@ have a column for name and age. We would create a `Config` like this:
You provide the following information in your table configuration:
- `toId` — turn a `Person` into a unique ID. This lets us use
[`Html.Keyed`][keyed] under the hood to make resorts faster.
[`Html.Keyed`][keyed] under the hood to make resorts faster.
- `columns` — specify some columns to show.
- `toMsg` — a way to send new table states to your app as messages.
See the [examples][] to get a better feel for this!
See the [examples] to get a better feel for this!
[keyed]: http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm-lang/html/latest/Html-Keyed
[examples]: https://github.com/evancz/elm-sortable-table/tree/master/examples
: { toId : data -> String
config :
{ toId : data -> String
, toMsg : State -> msg
, columns : List (Column data msg)
-> Config data msg
-> Config data msg
config { toId, toMsg, columns } =
{ toId = toId
, toMsg = toMsg
, columns = List.map (\(Column cData) -> cData) columns
, customizations = defaultCustomizations
{ toId = toId
, toMsg = toMsg
, columns = List.map (\(Column cData) -> cData) columns
, customizations = defaultCustomizations
{-| Just like `config` but you can specify a bunch of table customizations.
: { toId : data -> String
customConfig :
{ toId : data -> String
, toMsg : State -> msg
, columns : List (Column data msg)
, customizations : Customizations data msg
-> Config data msg
-> Config data msg
customConfig { toId, toMsg, columns, customizations } =
{ toId = toId
, toMsg = toMsg
, columns = List.map (\(Column cData) -> cData) columns
, customizations = customizations
{ toId = toId
, toMsg = toMsg
, columns = List.map (\(Column cData) -> cData) columns
, customizations = customizations
{-| There are quite a lot of ways to customize the `<table>` tag. You can add
@ -175,18 +182,19 @@ summaries of various columns. And maybe you want to put attributes on `<tbody>`
or on particular rows in the body. All these customizations are available to you.
**Note:** The level of craziness possible in `<thead>` and `<tfoot>` are so
high that I could not see how to provide the full functionality *and* make it
high that I could not see how to provide the full functionality _and_ make it
impossible to do bad stuff. So just be aware of that, and share any stories
you have. Stories make it possible to design better!
type alias Customizations data msg =
{ tableAttrs : List (Attribute msg)
, caption : Maybe (HtmlDetails msg)
, thead : List (String, Status, Attribute msg) -> HtmlDetails msg
, tfoot : Maybe (HtmlDetails msg)
, tbodyAttrs : List (Attribute msg)
, rowAttrs : data -> List (Attribute msg)
{ tableAttrs : List (Attribute msg)
, caption : Maybe (HtmlDetails msg)
, thead : List ( String, Status, Attribute msg ) -> HtmlDetails msg
, tfoot : Maybe (HtmlDetails msg)
, tbodyAttrs : List (Attribute msg)
, rowAttrs : data -> List (Attribute msg)
{-| Sometimes you must use a `<td>` tag, but the attributes and children are up
@ -194,68 +202,78 @@ to you. This type lets you specify all the details of an HTML node except the
tag name.
type alias HtmlDetails msg =
{ attributes : List (Attribute msg)
, children : List (Html msg)
{ attributes : List (Attribute msg)
, children : List (Html msg)
{-| The customizations used in `config` by default.
defaultCustomizations : Customizations data msg
defaultCustomizations =
{ tableAttrs = []
, caption = Nothing
, thead = simpleThead
, tfoot = Nothing
, tbodyAttrs = []
, rowAttrs = simpleRowAttrs
{ tableAttrs = []
, caption = Nothing
, thead = simpleThead
, tfoot = Nothing
, tbodyAttrs = []
, rowAttrs = simpleRowAttrs
simpleThead : List (String, Status, Attribute msg) -> HtmlDetails msg
simpleThead : List ( String, Status, Attribute msg ) -> HtmlDetails msg
simpleThead headers =
HtmlDetails [] (List.map simpleTheadHelp headers)
HtmlDetails [] (List.map simpleTheadHelp headers)
simpleTheadHelp : ( String, Status, Attribute msg ) -> Html msg
simpleTheadHelp (name, status, onClick) =
content =
case status of
Unsortable ->
[ Html.text name ]
simpleTheadHelp ( name, status, onClick_ ) =
content =
case status of
Unsortable ->
[ Html.text name ]
Sortable selected ->
[ Html.text name
, if selected then darkGrey "↓" else lightGrey "↓"
Sortable selected ->
[ Html.text name
, if selected then
darkGrey "↓"
Reversible Nothing ->
[ Html.text name
, lightGrey "↕"
lightGrey "↓"
Reversible (Just isReversed) ->
[ Html.text name
, darkGrey (if isReversed then "↑" else "↓")
Html.th [ onClick ] content
Reversible Nothing ->
[ Html.text name
, lightGrey "↕"
Reversible (Just isReversed) ->
[ Html.text name
, darkGrey
(if isReversed then
Html.th [ onClick_ ] content
darkGrey : String -> Html msg
darkGrey symbol =
Html.span [ Attr.style [("color", "#555")] ] [ Html.text (" " ++ symbol) ]
Html.span [ Attr.style "color" "#555" ] [ Html.text (" " ++ symbol) ]
lightGrey : String -> Html msg
lightGrey symbol =
Html.span [ Attr.style [("color", "#ccc")] ] [ Html.text (" " ++ symbol) ]
Html.span [ Attr.style "color" "#ccc" ] [ Html.text (" " ++ symbol) ]
simpleRowAttrs : data -> List (Attribute msg)
simpleRowAttrs _ =
{-| The status of a particular column, for use in the `thead` field of your
@ -272,11 +290,12 @@ simpleRowAttrs _ =
is sorted.
This information lets you do custom header decorations for each scenario.
type Status
= Unsortable
| Sortable Bool
| Reversible (Maybe Bool)
= Unsortable
| Sortable Bool
| Reversible (Maybe Bool)
@ -285,50 +304,50 @@ type Status
{-| Describes how to turn `data` into a column in your table.
type Column data msg =
Column (ColumnData data msg)
type Column data msg
= Column (ColumnData data msg)
type alias ColumnData data msg =
{ name : String
, viewData : data -> HtmlDetails msg
, sorter : Sorter data
{ name : String
, viewData : data -> HtmlDetails msg
, sorter : Sorter data
{-| -}
stringColumn : String -> (data -> String) -> Column data msg
stringColumn name toStr =
{ name = name
, viewData = textDetails << toStr
, sorter = increasingOrDecreasingBy toStr
{ name = name
, viewData = textDetails << toStr
, sorter = increasingOrDecreasingBy toStr
{-| -}
intColumn : String -> (data -> Int) -> Column data msg
intColumn name toInt =
{ name = name
, viewData = textDetails << toString << toInt
, sorter = increasingOrDecreasingBy toInt
{ name = name
, viewData = textDetails << String.fromInt << toInt
, sorter = increasingOrDecreasingBy toInt
{-| -}
floatColumn : String -> (data -> Float) -> Column data msg
floatColumn name toFloat =
{ name = name
, viewData = textDetails << toString << toFloat
, sorter = increasingOrDecreasingBy toFloat
{ name = name
, viewData = textDetails << String.fromFloat << toFloat
, sorter = increasingOrDecreasingBy toFloat
textDetails : String -> HtmlDetails msg
textDetails str =
HtmlDetails [] [ Html.text str ]
HtmlDetails [] [ Html.text str ]
{-| Perhaps the basic columns are not quite what you want. Maybe you want to
@ -339,66 +358,68 @@ quite cut it. You could define a custom column like this:
dollarColumn : String -> (data -> Float) -> Column data msg
dollarColumn name toDollars =
{ name = name
, viewData = \data -> viewDollars (toDollars data)
, sorter = Table.decreasingBy toDollars
{ name = name
, viewData = \data -> viewDollars (toDollars data)
, sorter = Table.decreasingBy toDollars
viewDollars : Float -> String
viewDollars dollars =
"$" ++ toString (round (dollars / 1000)) ++ "k"
"$" ++ toString (round (dollars / 1000)) ++ "k"
The `viewData` field means we will displays the number `12345.67` as `$12k`.
The `sorter` field specifies how the column can be sorted. In `dollarColumn` we
are saying that it can *only* be shown from highest-to-lowest monetary value.
are saying that it can _only_ be shown from highest-to-lowest monetary value.
More about sorters soon!
: { name : String
customColumn :
{ name : String
, viewData : data -> String
, sorter : Sorter data
-> Column data msg
-> Column data msg
customColumn { name, viewData, sorter } =
Column <|
ColumnData name (textDetails << viewData) sorter
Column <|
ColumnData name (textDetails << viewData) sorter
{-| It is *possible* that you want something crazier than `customColumn`. In
{-| It is _possible_ that you want something crazier than `customColumn`. In
that unlikely scenario, this function lets you have full control over the
attributes and children of each `<td>` cell in this column.
So maybe you want to a dollars column, and the dollar signs should be green.
import Html exposing (Html, Attribute, span, text)
import Html exposing (Attribute, Html, span, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (style)
import Table
dollarColumn : String -> (data -> Float) -> Column data msg
dollarColumn name toDollars =
{ name = name
, viewData = \data -> viewDollars (toDollars data)
, sorter = Table.decreasingBy toDollars
{ name = name
, viewData = \data -> viewDollars (toDollars data)
, sorter = Table.decreasingBy toDollars
viewDollars : Float -> Table.HtmlDetails msg
viewDollars dollars =
Table.HtmlDetails []
[ span [ style [("color","green")] ] [ text "$" ]
, text (toString (round (dollars / 1000)) ++ "k")
Table.HtmlDetails []
[ span [ style [ ( "color", "green" ) ] ] [ text "$" ]
, text (toString (round (dollars / 1000)) ++ "k")
: { name : String
veryCustomColumn :
{ name : String
, viewData : data -> HtmlDetails msg
, sorter : Sorter data
-> Column data msg
-> Column data msg
veryCustomColumn =
@ -414,89 +435,93 @@ for the table belongs in your `view` code. I very strongly recommend against
putting `Config` in your model. Describe any potential table configurations
statically, and look for a different library if you need something crazier than
view : Config data msg -> State -> List data -> Html msg
view (Config { toId, toMsg, columns, customizations }) state data =
sortedData =
sort state columns data
sortedData =
sort state columns data
theadDetails =
customizations.thead (List.map (toHeaderInfo state toMsg) columns)
theadDetails =
customizations.thead (List.map (toHeaderInfo state toMsg) columns)
thead =
Html.thead theadDetails.attributes theadDetails.children
thead =
Html.thead theadDetails.attributes theadDetails.children
tbody =
Keyed.node "tbody" customizations.tbodyAttrs <|
List.map (viewRow toId columns customizations.rowAttrs) sortedData
tbody =
Keyed.node "tbody" customizations.tbodyAttrs <|
List.map (viewRow toId columns customizations.rowAttrs) sortedData
withFoot =
case customizations.tfoot of
Nothing ->
tbody :: []
withFoot =
case customizations.tfoot of
Nothing ->
tbody :: []
Just { attributes, children } ->
Html.tfoot attributes children :: tbody :: []
Just { attributes, children } ->
Html.tfoot attributes children :: tbody :: []
Html.table customizations.tableAttrs <|
case customizations.caption of
Nothing ->
thead :: withFoot
case customizations.caption of
Nothing ->
thead :: withFoot
Just { attributes, children } ->
Html.caption attributes children :: thead :: withFoot
Just { attributes, children } ->
Html.caption attributes children :: thead :: withFoot
toHeaderInfo : State -> (State -> msg) -> ColumnData data msg -> ( String, Status, Attribute msg )
toHeaderInfo (State sortName isReversed) toMsg { name, sorter } =
case sorter of
None ->
( name, Unsortable, onClick sortName isReversed toMsg )
case sorter of
None ->
( name, Unsortable, onClick sortName isReversed toMsg )
Increasing _ ->
( name, Sortable (name == sortName), onClick name False toMsg )
Increasing _ ->
( name, Sortable (name == sortName), onClick name False toMsg )
Decreasing _ ->
( name, Sortable (name == sortName), onClick name False toMsg )
Decreasing _ ->
( name, Sortable (name == sortName), onClick name False toMsg )
IncOrDec _ ->
if name == sortName then
( name, Reversible (Just isReversed), onClick name (not isReversed) toMsg )
( name, Reversible Nothing, onClick name False toMsg )
IncOrDec _ ->
if name == sortName then
( name, Reversible (Just isReversed), onClick name (not isReversed) toMsg )
DecOrInc _ ->
if name == sortName then
( name, Reversible (Just isReversed), onClick name (not isReversed) toMsg )
( name, Reversible Nothing, onClick name False toMsg )
( name, Reversible Nothing, onClick name False toMsg )
DecOrInc _ ->
if name == sortName then
( name, Reversible (Just isReversed), onClick name (not isReversed) toMsg )
( name, Reversible Nothing, onClick name False toMsg )
onClick : String -> Bool -> (State -> msg) -> Attribute msg
onClick name isReversed toMsg =
E.on "click" <| Json.map toMsg <|
Json.map2 State (Json.succeed name) (Json.succeed isReversed)
E.on "click" <|
Json.map toMsg <|
Json.map2 State (Json.succeed name) (Json.succeed isReversed)
viewRow : (data -> String) -> List (ColumnData data msg) -> (data -> List (Attribute msg)) -> data -> ( String, Html msg )
viewRow toId columns toRowAttrs data =
( toId data
, lazy3 viewRowHelp columns toRowAttrs data
( toId data
, lazy3 viewRowHelp columns toRowAttrs data
viewRowHelp : List (ColumnData data msg) -> (data -> List (Attribute msg)) -> data -> Html msg
viewRowHelp columns toRowAttrs data =
Html.tr (toRowAttrs data) (List.map (viewCell data) columns)
Html.tr (toRowAttrs data) (List.map (viewCell data) columns)
viewCell : data -> ColumnData data msg -> Html msg
viewCell data {viewData} =
details =
viewData data
viewCell data { viewData } =
details =
viewData data
Html.td details.attributes details.children
@ -506,44 +531,53 @@ viewCell data {viewData} =
sort : State -> List (ColumnData data msg) -> List data -> List data
sort (State selectedColumn isReversed) columnData data =
case findSorter selectedColumn columnData of
Nothing ->
case findSorter selectedColumn columnData of
Nothing ->
Just sorter ->
applySorter isReversed sorter data
Just sorter ->
applySorter isReversed sorter data
applySorter : Bool -> Sorter data -> List data -> List data
applySorter isReversed sorter data =
case sorter of
None ->
case sorter of
None ->
Increasing sort ->
sort data
Increasing sort_ ->
sort_ data
Decreasing sort ->
List.reverse (sort data)
Decreasing sort_ ->
List.reverse (sort_ data)
IncOrDec sort ->
if isReversed then List.reverse (sort data) else sort data
IncOrDec sort_ ->
if isReversed then
List.reverse (sort_ data)
DecOrInc sort ->
if isReversed then sort data else List.reverse (sort data)
sort_ data
DecOrInc sort_ ->
if isReversed then
sort_ data
List.reverse (sort_ data)
findSorter : String -> List (ColumnData data msg) -> Maybe (Sorter data)
findSorter selectedColumn columnData =
case columnData of
[] ->
case columnData of
[] ->
{name, sorter} :: remainingColumnData ->
if name == selectedColumn then
Just sorter
findSorter selectedColumn remainingColumnData
{ name, sorter } :: remainingColumnData ->
if name == selectedColumn then
Just sorter
findSorter selectedColumn remainingColumnData
@ -553,11 +587,11 @@ findSorter selectedColumn columnData =
{-| Specifies a particular way of sorting data.
type Sorter data
= None
| Increasing (List data -> List data)
| Decreasing (List data -> List data)
| IncOrDec (List data -> List data)
| DecOrInc (List data -> List data)
= None
| Increasing (List data -> List data)
| Decreasing (List data -> List data)
| IncOrDec (List data -> List data)
| DecOrInc (List data -> List data)
{-| A sorter for columns that are unsortable. Maybe you have a column in your
@ -566,7 +600,7 @@ sort based on that column.
unsortable : Sorter data
unsortable =
{-| Create a sorter that can only display the data in increasing order. If we
@ -574,11 +608,12 @@ want a table of people, sorted alphabetically by name, we would say this:
sorter : Sorter { a | name : comparable }
sorter =
increasingBy .name
increasingBy .name
increasingBy : (data -> comparable) -> Sorter data
increasingBy toComparable =
Increasing (List.sortBy toComparable)
Increasing (List.sortBy toComparable)
{-| Create a sorter that can only display the data in decreasing order. If we
@ -587,35 +622,38 @@ would say this:
sorter : Sorter { a | population : comparable }
sorter =
decreasingBy .population
decreasingBy .population
decreasingBy : (data -> comparable) -> Sorter data
decreasingBy toComparable =
Decreasing (List.sortBy toComparable)
Decreasing (List.sortBy toComparable)
{-| Sometimes you want to be able to sort data in increasing *or* decreasing
{-| Sometimes you want to be able to sort data in increasing _or_ decreasing
order. Maybe you have a bunch of data about orange juice, and you want to know
both which has the most sugar, and which has the least sugar. Both interesting!
This function lets you see both, starting with decreasing order.
sorter : Sorter { a | sugar : comparable }
sorter =
decreasingOrIncreasingBy .sugar
decreasingOrIncreasingBy .sugar
decreasingOrIncreasingBy : (data -> comparable) -> Sorter data
decreasingOrIncreasingBy toComparable =
DecOrInc (List.sortBy toComparable)
DecOrInc (List.sortBy toComparable)
{-| Sometimes you want to be able to sort data in increasing *or* decreasing
{-| Sometimes you want to be able to sort data in increasing _or_ decreasing
order. Maybe you have race times for the 100 meter sprint. This function lets
sort by best time by default, but also see the other order.
sorter : Sorter { a | time : comparable }
sorter =
increasingOrDecreasingBy .time
increasingOrDecreasingBy .time
increasingOrDecreasingBy : (data -> comparable) -> Sorter data
increasingOrDecreasingBy toComparable =
IncOrDec (List.sortBy toComparable)
IncOrDec (List.sortBy toComparable)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user