import Html exposing (Html, Attribute, div, h1, input, p, text) import Html.Attributes exposing (checked, style, type_) import Html.Events exposing (onClick) import Html.Lazy exposing (lazy) import Table exposing (defaultCustomizations) import Time exposing (Time) main = Html.program { init = init missionSights , update = update , view = view , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none } -- MODEL type alias Model = { sights : List Sight , tableState : Table.State } init : List Sight -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init sights = let model = { sights = sights , tableState = Table.initialSort "Year" } in ( model, Cmd.none ) -- UPDATE type Msg = ToggleSelected String | SetTableState Table.State update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of ToggleSelected name -> ( { model | sights = (toggle name) model.sights } , Cmd.none ) SetTableState newState -> ( { model | tableState = newState } , Cmd.none ) toggle : String -> Sight -> Sight toggle name sight = if == name then { sight | selected = not sight.selected } else sight -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view { sights, tableState } = div [] [ h1 [] [ text "Trip Planner" ] , lazy viewSummary sights , Table.view config tableState sights ] viewSummary : List Sight -> Html msg viewSummary allSights = case List.filter .selected allSights of [] -> p [] [ text "Click the sights you want to see on your trip!" ] sights -> let time = List.sum ( .time sights) price = List.sum ( .price sights) summary = "That is " ++ timeToString time ++ " of fun, costing $" ++ toString price in p [] [ text summary ] timeToString : Time -> String timeToString time = let hours = case floor (Time.inHours time) of 0 -> "" 1 -> "1 hour" n -> toString n ++ " hours" minutes = case rem (round (Time.inMinutes time)) 60 of 0 -> "" 1 -> "1 minute" n -> toString n ++ " minutes" in hours ++ " " ++ minutes -- TABLE CONFIGURATION config : Table.Config Sight Msg config = Table.customConfig { toId = .name , toMsg = SetTableState , columns = [ checkboxColumn , Table.stringColumn "Name" .name , timeColumn , Table.floatColumn "Price" .price , Table.floatColumn "Rating" .rating ] , customizations = { defaultCustomizations | rowAttrs = toRowAttrs } } toRowAttrs : Sight -> List (Attribute Msg) toRowAttrs sight = [ onClick (ToggleSelected , style [ ("background", if sight.selected then "#CEFAF8" else "white") ] ] timeColumn : Table.Column Sight Msg timeColumn = Table.customColumn { name = "Time" , viewData = timeToString << .time , sorter = Table.increasingOrDecreasingBy .time } checkboxColumn : Table.Column Sight Msg checkboxColumn = Table.veryCustomColumn { name = "" , viewData = viewCheckbox , sorter = Table.unsortable } viewCheckbox : Sight -> Table.HtmlDetails Msg viewCheckbox {selected} = Table.HtmlDetails [] [ input [ type_ "checkbox", checked selected ] [] ] -- SIGHTS type alias Sight = { name : String , time : Time , price : Float , rating : Float , selected : Bool } missionSights : List Sight missionSights = [ Sight "Eat a Burrito" (30 * Time.minute) 7 4.6 False , Sight "Buy drugs in Dolores park" Time.hour 20 4.8 False , Sight "Armory Tour" (1.5 * Time.hour) 27 4.5 False , Sight "Tartine Bakery" Time.hour 10 4.1 False , Sight "Have Brunch" (2 * Time.hour) 25 4.2 False , Sight "Get catcalled at BART" (5 * Time.minute) 0 1.6 False , Sight "Buy a painting at \"Stuff\"" (45 * Time.minute) 400 4.7 False , Sight "McDonalds at 24th" (20 * Time.minute) 5 2.8 False ]