Merge pull request #128 from mike42/feature/rewrite-image-handling
Rewrite image handling
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ matrix:
- python: pypy3
env: TOXENV=pypy3
- python: pypy3
- python: 3.5-dev
- python: nightly
@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ DEMO_FUNCTIONS = {
{'txt': 'Hello, World!\n',}
'qr': [
{'text': 'This tests a QR code'},
{'text': ''}
{'content': 'This tests a QR code'},
{'content': ''}
'barcodes_a': [
{'bc': 'UPC-A', 'code': '13243546576'},
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ ESCPOS_COMMANDS = [
'arguments': [
'option_strings': ('--text',),
'option_strings': ('--content',),
'help': 'Text to print as a qr code',
'required': True,
@ -223,10 +223,26 @@ ESCPOS_COMMANDS = [
'arguments': [
'option_strings': ('--path_img',),
'option_strings': ('--img_source',),
'help': 'Path to image',
'required': True,
'option_strings': ('--impl',),
'help': 'Implementation to use',
'choices': ['bitImageRaster', 'bitImageColumn', 'graphics'],
'option_strings': ('--high_density_horizontal',),
'help': 'Image density (horizontal)',
'type': str_to_bool,
'option_strings': ('--high_density_vertical',),
'help': 'Image density (vertical)',
'type': str_to_bool,
@ -184,15 +184,15 @@ BARCODE_TYPES = {
## QRCode error correction levels
## QRcode models
QR_MODEL_1 = 1;
QR_MODEL_2 = 2;
QR_MODEL_1 = 1
QR_MODEL_2 = 2
# Image format
# NOTE: _PRINT_RASTER_IMG is the obsolete ESC/POS "print raster bit image"
@ -14,20 +14,14 @@ from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import six
from PIL import Image
import qrcode
import textwrap
import binascii
import operator
from .constants import *
from .exceptions import *
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod # abstract base class support
from escpos.image import EscposImage
class Escpos(object):
""" ESC/POS Printer object
@ -55,213 +49,52 @@ class Escpos(object):
def _check_image_size(size):
""" Check and fix the size of the image to 32 bits
def image(self, img_source, high_density_vertical=True, high_density_horizontal=True, impl="bitImageRaster"):
""" Print an image
:param size: size of the image
:returns: tuple of image borders
:rtype: (int, int)
:param img_source: PIL image or filename to load: `jpg`, `gif`, `png` or `bmp`
im = EscposImage(img_source)
if impl == "bitImageRaster":
# GS v 0, raster format bit image
density_byte = (0 if high_density_horizontal else 1) + (0 if high_density_vertical else 2)
header = GS + b"v0" + six.int2byte(density_byte) + self._int_low_high(im.width_bytes, 2) + self._int_low_high(im.height, 2)
self._raw(header + im.to_raster_format())
if impl == "graphics":
# GS ( L raster format graphics
img_header = self._int_low_high(im.width, 2) + self._int_low_high(im.height, 2)
tone = b'0'
colors = b'1'
ym = six.int2byte(1 if high_density_vertical else 2)
xm = six.int2byte(1 if high_density_horizontal else 2)
header = tone + xm + ym + colors + img_header
raster_data = im.to_raster_format()
self._image_send_graphics_data(b'0', b'p', header + raster_data)
self._image_send_graphics_data(b'0', b'2', b'')
if impl == "bitImageColumn":
# ESC *, column format bit image
density_byte = (1 if high_density_horizontal else 0) + (32 if high_density_vertical else 0)
header = ESC + b"*" + six.int2byte(density_byte) + self._int_low_high(im.width, 2)
outp = [ESC + b"3" + six.int2byte(16)] # Adjust line-feed size
for blob in im.to_column_format(high_density_vertical):
outp.append(header + blob + b"\n")
outp.append(ESC + b"2") # Reset line-feed size
def _image_send_graphics_data(self, m, fn, data):
if size % 32 == 0:
return 0, 0
image_border = 32 - (size % 32)
if (image_border % 2) == 0:
return image_border // 2, image_border // 2
return image_border // 2, (image_border // 2) + 1
def _print_image(self, line, size):
""" Print formatted image
:param line:
:param size:
Wrapper for GS ( L, to calculate and send correct data length.
:param m: Modifier//variant for function. Usually '0'
:param fn: Function number to use, as byte
:param data: Data to send
i = 0
cont = 0
pbuffer = b''
pbuffer = "{0:02X}{1:02X}{2:02X}{3:02X}".format(((size[0]//size[1])//8), 0, size[1] & 0xff, size[1] >> 8)
pbuffer = ""
while i < len(line):
hex_string = int(line[i:i+8], 2)
pbuffer += "{0:02X}".format(hex_string)
i += 8
cont += 1
if cont % 4 == 0:
pbuffer = ""
cont = 0
def _convert_image(self, im):
""" Parse image and prepare it to a printable format
:param im: image data
:raises: :py:exc:`~escpos.exceptions.ImageSizeError`
pixels = []
pix_line = ""
im_left = ""
im_right = ""
switch = 0
img_size = [0, 0]
if im.size[0] > 512:
print ("WARNING: Image is wider than 512 and could be truncated at print time ")
if im.size[1] > 0xffff:
raise ImageSizeError()
im_border = self._check_image_size(im.size[0])
for i in range(im_border[0]):
im_left += "0"
for i in range(im_border[1]):
im_right += "0"
for y in range(im.size[1]):
img_size[1] += 1
pix_line += im_left
img_size[0] += im_border[0]
for x in range(im.size[0]):
img_size[0] += 1
RGB = im.getpixel((x, y))
im_color = (RGB[0] + RGB[1] + RGB[2])
im_pattern = "1X0"
pattern_len = len(im_pattern)
switch = (switch - 1) * (-1)
for x in range(pattern_len):
if im_color <= (255 * 3 / pattern_len * (x+1)):
if im_pattern[x] == "X":
pix_line += "{0:d}".format(switch)
pix_line += im_pattern[x]
elif (255 * 3 / pattern_len * pattern_len) < im_color <= (255 * 3):
pix_line += im_pattern[-1]
pix_line += im_right
img_size[0] += im_border[1]
self._print_image(pix_line, img_size)
def image(self, path_img):
""" Open and print an image file
Prints an image. The image is automatically adjusted in size in order to print it.
.. todo:: Seems to be broken. Write test that simply executes function with a dummy printer in order to
check for bugs like these in the future.
:param path_img: complete filename and path to image of type `jpg`, `gif`, `png` or `bmp`
if not isinstance(path_img, Image.Image):
im_open =
im_open = path_img
# Remove the alpha channel on transparent images
if im_open.mode == 'RGBA':
im ="RGB", im_open.size, (255, 255, 255))
im.paste(im_open, mask=im_open.split()[3])
im = im_open.convert("RGB")
# Convert the RGB image in printable image
def fullimage(self, img, max_height=860, width=512, histeq=True, bandsize=255):
""" Resizes and prints an arbitrarily sized image
.. warning:: The image-printing-API is currently under development. Please do not consider this method part
of the API. It might be subject to change without further notice.
.. todo:: Seems to be broken. Write test that simply executes function with a dummy printer in order to
check for bugs like these in the future.
print("WARNING: The image-printing-API is currently under development. Please do not consider this "
"function part of the API yet.")
if isinstance(img, Image.Image):
im = img.convert("RGB")
im ="RGB")
if histeq:
# Histogram equaliztion
h = im.histogram()
lut = []
for b in range(0, len(h), 256):
# step size
step = reduce(operator.add, h[b:b+256]) / 255
# create equalization lookup table
n = 0
for i in range(256):
lut.append(n / step)
n = n + h[i+b]
im = im.point(lut)
if width:
ratio = float(width) / im.size[0]
newheight = int(ratio * im.size[1])
# Resize the image
im = im.resize((width, newheight), Image.ANTIALIAS)
if max_height and im.size[1] > max_height:
im = im.crop((0, 0, im.size[0], max_height))
# Divide into bands
current = 0
while current < im.size[1]:
self.image(im.crop((0, current, width or im.size[0],
min(im.size[1], current + bandsize))))
current += bandsize
def direct_image(self, image):
""" Direct printing function for pictures
.. warning:: The image-printing-API is currently under development. Please do not consider this method part
of the API. It might be subject to change without further notice.
This function is rather fragile and will fail when the Image object is not suited.
:param image: PIL image object, containing a 1-bit picture
print("WARNING: The image-printing-API is currently under development. Please do not consider this "
"function part of the API yet.")
mask = 0x80
i = 0
temp = 0
(width, height) = image.size
header_x = int(width / 8)
header_y = height
buf = "{0:02X}".format((header_x & 0xff))
buf += "{0:02X}".format(((header_x >> 8) & 0xff))
buf += "{0:02X}".format((header_y & 0xff))
buf += "{0:02X}".format(((header_y >> 8) & 0xff))
for y in range(height):
for x in range(width):
value = image.getpixel((x, y))
value |= (value << 8)
if value == 0:
temp |= mask
mask >>= 1
i += 1
if i == 8:
buf += ("{0:02X}".format(temp))
mask = 0x80
i = 0
temp = 0
self._raw(binascii.unhexlify(bytes(buf, "ascii")))
header = self._int_low_high(len(data) + 2, 2)
self._raw(GS + b'(L' + header + m + fn + data)
def qr(self, content, ec=QR_ECLEVEL_L, size=3, model=QR_MODEL_2, native=False):
""" Print QR Code for the provided string
@ -286,7 +119,7 @@ class Escpos(object):
if not native:
# Map ESC/POS error correction levels to python 'qrcode' library constant and render to an image
if model != QR_MODEL_2:
raise ValueError("Invalid QR mocel for qrlib rendering (must be QR_MODEL_2)")
raise ValueError("Invalid QR model for qrlib rendering (must be QR_MODEL_2)")
python_qr_ec = {
QR_ECLEVEL_H: qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_H,
QR_ECLEVEL_L: qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_L,
@ -299,19 +132,19 @@ class Escpos(object):
qr_img = qr_code.make_image()
im = qr_img._img.convert("RGB")
# Convert the RGB image in printable image
# Native 2D code printing
cn = b'1' # Code type for QR code
cn = b'1' # Code type for QR code
# Select model: 1, 2 or micro.
self._send_2d_code_data(six.int2byte(65), cn, six.int2byte(48 + model) + six.int2byte(0));
self._send_2d_code_data(six.int2byte(65), cn, six.int2byte(48 + model) + six.int2byte(0))
# Set dot size.
self._send_2d_code_data(six.int2byte(67), cn, six.int2byte(size));
self._send_2d_code_data(six.int2byte(67), cn, six.int2byte(size))
# Set error correction level: L, M, Q, or H
self._send_2d_code_data(six.int2byte(69), cn, six.int2byte(48 + ec));
self._send_2d_code_data(six.int2byte(69), cn, six.int2byte(48 + ec))
# Send content & print
self._send_2d_code_data(six.int2byte(80), cn, content.encode('utf-8'), b'0');
self._send_2d_code_data(six.int2byte(81), cn, b'', b'0');
self._send_2d_code_data(six.int2byte(80), cn, content.encode('utf-8'), b'0')
self._send_2d_code_data(six.int2byte(81), cn, b'', b'0')
def _send_2d_code_data(self, fn, cn, data, m=b''):
""" Wrapper for GS ( k, to calculate and send correct data length.
@ -323,7 +156,7 @@ class Escpos(object):
if len(m) > 1 or len(cn) != 1 or len(fn) != 1:
raise ValueError("cn and fn must be one byte each.")
header = self._int_low_high(len(data) + len(m) + 2, 2);
header = self._int_low_high(len(data) + len(m) + 2, 2)
self._raw(GS + b'(k' + header + cn + fn + m + data)
@ -333,12 +166,12 @@ class Escpos(object):
:param inp_number: Input number
:param out_bytes: The number of bytes to output (1 - 4).
max_input = (256 << (out_bytes * 8) - 1);
max_input = (256 << (out_bytes * 8) - 1)
if not 1 <= out_bytes <= 4:
raise ValueError("Can only output 1-4 byes")
if not 0 <= inp_number <= max_input:
raise ValueError("Number too large. Can only output up to {0} in {1} byes".format(max_input, out_bytes))
outp = b'';
outp = b''
for _ in range(0, out_bytes):
outp += six.int2byte(inp_number % 256)
inp_number = inp_number // 256
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
""" Image format handling class
This module contains the image format handler :py:class:`EscposImage`.
:author: `Michael Billington <>`_
:organization: `python-escpos <>`_
:copyright: Copyright (c) 2016 Michael Billington <>
:license: GNU GPL v3
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
class EscposImage(object):
Load images in, and output ESC/POS formats.
The class is designed to efficiently delegate image processing to
PIL, rather than spend CPU cycles looping over pixels.
def __init__(self, img_source):
Load in an image
:param img_source: PIL.Image, or filename to load one from.
if isinstance(img_source, Image.Image):
img_original = img_source
img_original =
# Convert to white RGB background, paste over white background
# to strip alpha.
img_original = img_original.convert('RGBA')
im ="RGB", img_original.size, (255, 255, 255))
im.paste(img_original, mask=img_original.split()[3])
# Convert down to greyscale
im = im.convert("L")
# Invert: Only works on 'L' images
im = ImageOps.invert(im)
# Pure black and white
self._im = im.convert("1")
def width(self):
Width of image in pixels
width_pixels, _ = self._im.size
return width_pixels
def width_bytes(self):
Width of image if you use 8 pixels per byte and 0-pad at the end.
return (self.width + 7) >> 3
def height(self):
Height of image in pixels
_, height_pixels = self._im.size
return height_pixels
def to_column_format(self, high_density_vertical=True):
Extract slices of an image as equal-sized blobs of column-format data.
:param high_density_vertical: Printed line height in dots
im = self._im.transpose(Image.ROTATE_270).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
line_height = 24 if high_density_vertical else 8
width_pixels, height_pixels = im.size
top = 0
left = 0
while left < width_pixels:
box = (left, top, left + line_height, top + height_pixels)
im_slice = im.transform((line_height, height_pixels), Image.EXTENT, box)
im_bytes = im_slice.tobytes()
left += line_height
def to_raster_format(self):
Convert image to raster-format binary
return self._im.tobytes()
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import socket
from .escpos import Escpos
from .exceptions import *
class Usb(Escpos):
""" USB printer
@ -260,3 +259,38 @@ class File(Escpos):
""" Close system file """
class Dummy(Escpos):
""" Dummy printer
This class is used for saving commands to a variable, for use in situations where
there is no need to send commands to an actual printer. This includes
generating print jobs for later use, or testing output.
.. inheritance-diagram:: escpos.printer.Dummy
:parts: 1
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
:param devfile : Device file under dev filesystem
Escpos.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self._output_list = []
def _raw(self, msg):
""" Print any command sent in raw format
:param msg: arbitrary code to be printed
:type msg: bytes
def output(self):
""" Get the data that was sent to this printer """
return b''.join(self._output_list)
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 16 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 27 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 653 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 65 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 167 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 65 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 175 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 156 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 72 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 160 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 239 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 72 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 160 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 239 B |
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"""tests for the image printing function
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Image function tests- Check that image print commands are sent correctly.
:author: `Patrick Kanzler <>`_
:author: `Michael Billington <>`_
:organization: `python-escpos <>`_
:copyright: Copyright (c) 2016 `python-escpos <>`_
:copyright: Copyright (c) 2016 `Michael Billington <>`_
:license: GNU GPL v3
@ -12,39 +12,121 @@ from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from import with_setup
import escpos.printer as printer
import os
from PIL import Image
devfile = 'testfile'
def setup_testfile():
"""create a testfile as devfile"""
fhandle = open(devfile, 'a')
os.utime(devfile, None)
# Raster format print
def test_bit_image_black():
Test printing solid black bit image (raster)
instance = printer.Dummy()
instance.image('test/resources/canvas_black.png', impl="bitImageRaster")
assert(instance.output == b'\x1dv0\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x80')
# Same thing w/ object created on the fly, rather than a filename
instance = printer.Dummy()
im ="RGB", (1, 1), (0, 0, 0))
instance.image(im, impl="bitImageRaster")
assert(instance.output == b'\x1dv0\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x80')
def teardown_testfile():
"""destroy testfile again"""
@with_setup(setup_testfile, teardown_testfile)
def test_function_image_with_50x50_png():
"""test the image function with 50x50.png (grayscale png)"""
instance = printer.File(devfile=devfile)
def test_bit_image_white():
Test printing solid white bit image (raster)
instance = printer.Dummy()
instance.image('test/resources/canvas_white.png', impl="bitImageRaster")
assert(instance.output == b'\x1dv0\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00')
@with_setup(setup_testfile, teardown_testfile)
def test_function_image_with_255x255_png():
"""test the image function with 255x255.png (grayscale png)"""
instance = printer.File(devfile=devfile)
@with_setup(setup_testfile, teardown_testfile)
def test_function_image_with_400x400_png():
"""test the image function with 400x400.png (grayscale png)"""
instance = printer.File(devfile=devfile)
def test_bit_image_both():
Test printing black/white bit image (raster)
instance = printer.Dummy()
instance.image('test/resources/black_white.png', impl="bitImageRaster")
assert(instance.output == b'\x1dv0\x00\x01\x00\x02\x00\xc0\x00')
def test_bit_image_transparent():
Test printing black/transparent bit image (raster)
instance = printer.Dummy()
instance.image('test/resources/black_transparent.png', impl="bitImageRaster")
assert(instance.output == b'\x1dv0\x00\x01\x00\x02\x00\xc0\x00')
# Column format print
def test_bit_image_colfmt_black():
Test printing solid black bit image (column format)
instance = printer.Dummy()
instance.image('test/resources/canvas_black.png', impl="bitImageColumn")
assert(instance.output == b'\x1b3\x10\x1b*!\x01\x00\x80\x00\x00\x0a\x1b2')
def test_bit_image_colfmt_white():
Test printing solid white bit image (column format)
instance = printer.Dummy()
instance.image('test/resources/canvas_white.png', impl="bitImageColumn")
assert(instance.output == b'\x1b3\x10\x1b*!\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0a\x1b2')
def test_bit_image_colfmt_both():
Test printing black/white bit image (column format)
instance = printer.Dummy()
instance.image('test/resources/black_white.png', impl="bitImageColumn")
assert(instance.output == b'\x1b3\x10\x1b*!\x02\x00\x80\x00\x00\x80\x00\x00\x0a\x1b2')
def test_bit_image_colfmt_transparent():
Test printing black/transparent bit image (column format)
instance = printer.Dummy()
instance.image('test/resources/black_transparent.png', impl="bitImageColumn")
assert(instance.output == b'\x1b3\x10\x1b*!\x02\x00\x80\x00\x00\x80\x00\x00\x0a\x1b2')
# Graphics print
def test_graphics_black():
Test printing solid black graphics
instance = printer.Dummy()
instance.image('test/resources/canvas_black.png', impl="graphics")
assert(instance.output == b'\x1d(L\x0b\x000p0\x01\x011\x01\x00\x01\x00\x80\x1d(L\x02\x0002')
def test_graphics_white():
Test printing solid white graphics
instance = printer.Dummy()
instance.image('test/resources/canvas_white.png', impl="graphics")
assert(instance.output == b'\x1d(L\x0b\x000p0\x01\x011\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x1d(L\x02\x0002')
def test_graphics_both():
Test printing black/white graphics
instance = printer.Dummy()
instance.image('test/resources/black_white.png', impl="graphics")
assert(instance.output == b'\x1d(L\x0c\x000p0\x01\x011\x02\x00\x02\x00\xc0\x00\x1d(L\x02\x0002')
def test_graphics_transparent():
Test printing black/transparent graphics
instance = printer.Dummy()
instance.image('test/resources/black_transparent.png', impl="graphics")
assert(instance.output == b'\x1d(L\x0c\x000p0\x01\x011\x02\x00\x02\x00\xc0\x00\x1d(L\x02\x0002')
@ -12,70 +12,88 @@ from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from import with_setup
from import raises
import escpos.printer as printer
import os
from escpos.constants import QR_ECLEVEL_H, QR_MODEL_1
devfile = 'testfile'
def setup_testfile():
"""create a testfile as devfile"""
fhandle = open(devfile, 'a')
os.utime(devfile, None)
def teardown_testfile():
"""destroy testfile again"""
@with_setup(setup_testfile, teardown_testfile)
def test_function_qr_defaults():
"""test QR code with defaults"""
instance = printer.File(devfile=devfile)
def test_defaults():
"""Test QR code with defaults"""
instance = printer.Dummy()
instance.qr("1234", native=True)
with open(devfile, "rb") as f:
assert( == b'\x1d(k\x04\x001A2\x00\x1d(k\x03\x001C\x03\x1d(k\x03\x001E0\x1d(k\x07\x001P01234\x1d(k\x03\x001Q0')
expected = b'\x1d(k\x04\x001A2\x00\x1d(k\x03\x001C\x03\x1d(k\x03\x001E0\x1d' \
assert(instance.output == expected)
@with_setup(setup_testfile, teardown_testfile)
def test_function_qr_empty():
"""test QR printing blank code"""
instance = printer.File(devfile=devfile)
def test_empty():
"""Test QR printing blank code"""
instance = printer.Dummy()
instance.qr("", native=True)
with open(devfile, "rb") as f:
assert( == b'')
assert(instance.output == b'')
@with_setup(setup_testfile, teardown_testfile)
def test_function_qr_ec():
"""test QR error correction setting"""
instance = printer.File(devfile=devfile)
def test_ec():
"""Test QR error correction setting"""
instance = printer.Dummy()
instance.qr("1234", native=True, ec=QR_ECLEVEL_H)
with open(devfile, "rb") as f:
assert( == b'\x1d(k\x04\x001A2\x00\x1d(k\x03\x001C\x03\x1d(k\x03\x001E3\x1d(k\x07\x001P01234\x1d(k\x03\x001Q0')
expected = b'\x1d(k\x04\x001A2\x00\x1d(k\x03\x001C\x03\x1d(k\x03\x001E3\x1d' \
assert(instance.output == expected)
@with_setup(setup_testfile, teardown_testfile)
def test_function_qr_size():
"""test QR box size"""
instance = printer.File(devfile=devfile)
def test_size():
"""Test QR box size"""
instance = printer.Dummy()
instance.qr("1234", native=True, size=7)
with open(devfile, "rb") as f:
assert( == b'\x1d(k\x04\x001A2\x00\x1d(k\x03\x001C\x07\x1d(k\x03\x001E0\x1d(k\x07\x001P01234\x1d(k\x03\x001Q0')
expected = b'\x1d(k\x04\x001A2\x00\x1d(k\x03\x001C\x07\x1d(k\x03\x001E0\x1d' \
assert(instance.output == expected)
@with_setup(setup_testfile, teardown_testfile)
def test_function_qr_model():
"""test QR model"""
instance = printer.File(devfile=devfile)
def test_model():
"""Test QR model"""
instance = printer.Dummy()
instance.qr("1234", native=True, model=QR_MODEL_1)
with open(devfile, "rb") as f:
assert( == b'\x1d(k\x04\x001A1\x00\x1d(k\x03\x001C\x03\x1d(k\x03\x001E0\x1d(k\x07\x001P01234\x1d(k\x03\x001Q0')
expected = b'\x1d(k\x04\x001A1\x00\x1d(k\x03\x001C\x03\x1d(k\x03\x001E0\x1d' \
assert(instance.output == expected)
def test_invalid_ec():
"""Test invalid QR error correction"""
instance = printer.Dummy()
instance.qr("1234", native=True, ec=-1)
def test_invalid_size():
"""Test invalid QR size"""
instance = printer.Dummy()
instance.qr("1234", native=True, size=0)
def test_invalid_model():
"""Test invalid QR model"""
instance = printer.Dummy()
instance.qr("1234", native=True, model="Hello")
def test_image():
"""Test QR as image"""
instance = printer.Dummy()
instance.qr("1", native=False, size=1)
expected = b'\x1dv0\x00\x03\x00\x17\x00\x00\x00\x00\x7f]\xfcA\x19\x04]it]et' \
b']ItA=\x04\x7fU\xfc\x00\x0c\x00y~t4\x7f =\xa84j\xd9\xf0\x05\xd4\x90\x00' \
b'i(\x7f<\xa8A \xd8]\'\xc4]y\xf8]E\x80Ar\x94\x7fR@\x00\x00\x00'
assert(instance.output == expected)
def test_image_invalid_model():
"""Test unsupported QR model as image"""
instance = printer.Dummy()
instance.qr("1234", native=False, model=QR_MODEL_1)
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Image tests- Check that images from different source formats are correctly
converted to ESC/POS column & raster formats.
:author: `Michael Billington <>`_
:organization: `python-escpos <>`_
:copyright: Copyright (c) 2016 `Michael Billington <>`_
:license: GNU GPL v3
from escpos.image import EscposImage
def test_image_black():
Test rendering solid black image
for img_format in ['png', 'jpg', 'gif']:
_load_and_check_img('canvas_black.' + img_format, 1, 1, b'\x80', [b'\x80'])
def test_image_black_transparent():
Test rendering black/transparent image
for img_format in ['png', 'gif']:
_load_and_check_img('black_transparent.' + img_format, 2, 2, b'\xc0\x00', [b'\x80\x80'])
def test_image_black_white():
Test rendering black/white image
for img_format in ['png', 'jpg', 'gif']:
_load_and_check_img('black_white.' + img_format, 2, 2, b'\xc0\x00', [b'\x80\x80'])
def test_image_white():
Test rendering solid white image
for img_format in ['png', 'jpg', 'gif']:
_load_and_check_img('canvas_white.' + img_format, 1, 1, b'\x00', [b'\x00'])
def _load_and_check_img(filename, width_expected, height_expected, raster_format_expected, column_format_expected):
Load an image, and test whether raster & column formatted output, sizes, etc match expectations.
im = EscposImage('test/resources/' + filename)
assert(im.width == width_expected)
assert(im.height == height_expected)
assert(im.to_raster_format() == raster_format_expected)
i = 0
for row in im.to_column_format(False):
assert(row == column_format_expected[i])
i = i + 1