#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Magic Encode This module tries to convert an UTF-8 string to an encoded string for the printer. It uses trial and error in order to guess the right codepage. The code is based on the encoding-code in py-xml-escpos by @fvdsn. :author: `Patrick Kanzler `_ :organization: `python-escpos `_ :copyright: Copyright (c) 2016 Patrick Kanzler and Frédéric van der Essen :license: GNU GPL v3 """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from .constants import CHARCODE from .exceptions import CharCodeError, Error import copy import six try: import jcconv except ImportError: jcconv = None class MagicEncode(object): """ Magic Encode Class It tries to automatically encode utf-8 input into the right coding. When encoding is impossible a configurable symbol will be inserted. """ def __init__(self, startencoding='PC437', force_encoding=False, defaultsymbol=b'', defaultencoding='PC437'): # running these functions makes sure that the encoding is suitable MagicEncode.codepage_name(startencoding) MagicEncode.codepage_name(defaultencoding) self.encoding = startencoding self.defaultsymbol = defaultsymbol if type(self.defaultsymbol) is not six.binary_type: raise Error("The supplied symbol {sym} has to be a binary string".format(sym=defaultsymbol)) self.defaultencoding = defaultencoding self.force_encoding = force_encoding def set_encoding(self, encoding='PC437', force_encoding=False): """sets an encoding (normally not used) This function should normally not be used since it manipulates the automagic behaviour. However, if you want to force a certain codepage, then you can use this function. :param encoding: must be a valid encoding from CHARCODE :param force_encoding: whether the encoding should not be changed automatically """ self.codepage_name(encoding) self.encoding = encoding self.force_encoding = force_encoding @staticmethod def codepage_sequence(codepage): """returns the corresponding codepage-sequence""" try: return CHARCODE[codepage][0] except KeyError: raise CharCodeError("The encoding {enc} is unknown.".format(enc=codepage)) @staticmethod def codepage_name(codepage): """returns the corresponding codepage-name (for python)""" try: name = CHARCODE[codepage][1] if name == '': raise CharCodeError("The codepage {enc} does not have a connected python-codepage".format(enc=codepage)) return name except KeyError: raise CharCodeError("The encoding {enc} is unknown.".format(enc=codepage)) def encode_char(self, char): """ Encodes a single unicode character into a sequence of esc-pos code page change instructions and character declarations """ if type(char) is not six.text_type: raise Error("The supplied text has to be unicode, but is of type {type}.".format( type=type(char) )) encoded = b'' encoding = self.encoding # we reuse the last encoding to prevent code page switches at every character remaining = copy.copy(CHARCODE) while True: # Trying all encoding until one succeeds try: if encoding == 'KATAKANA': # Japanese characters if jcconv: # try to convert japanese text to half-katakanas kata = jcconv.kata2half(jcconv.hira2kata(char)) if kata != char: self.extra_chars += len(kata) - 1 # the conversion may result in multiple characters return self.encode_str(kata) else: kata = char if kata in TXT_ENC_KATAKANA_MAP: encoded = TXT_ENC_KATAKANA_MAP[kata] break else: raise ValueError() else: try: enc_name = MagicEncode.codepage_name(encoding) encoded = char.encode(enc_name) assert type(encoded) is bytes except LookupError: raise ValueError("The encoding {enc} seems to not exist in Python".format(enc=encoding)) except CharCodeError: raise ValueError("The encoding {enc} is not fully configured in constants".format( enc=encoding )) break except ValueError: # the encoding failed, select another one and retry if encoding in remaining: del remaining[encoding] if len(remaining) >= 1: encoding = list(remaining)[0] else: encoding = self.defaultencoding encoded = self.defaultsymbol # could not encode, output error character break if encoding != self.encoding: # if the encoding changed, remember it and prefix the character with # the esc-pos encoding change sequence self.encoding = encoding encoded = CHARCODE[encoding][0] + encoded return encoded def encode_str(self, txt): # make sure the right codepage is set in the printer buffer = self.codepage_sequence(self.encoding) if self.force_encoding: buffer += txt.encode(self.codepage) else: for c in txt: buffer += self.encode_char(c) return buffer def encode_text(self, txt): """returns a byte-string with encoded text :param txt: text that shall be encoded :return: byte-string for the printer """ if not txt: return self.extra_chars = 0 txt = self.encode_str(txt) # if the utf-8 -> codepage conversion inserted extra characters, # remove double spaces to try to restore the original string length # and prevent printing alignment issues while self.extra_chars > 0: dspace = txt.find(' ') if dspace > 0: txt = txt[:dspace] + txt[dspace+1:] self.extra_chars -= 1 else: break return txt # todo emoticons mit charmap encoden # todo Escpos liste von unterdrückten charcodes mitgeben # todo Doku anpassen # todo Changelog schreiben TXT_ENC_KATAKANA_MAP = { # Maps UTF-8 Katakana symbols to KATAKANA Page Codes # Half-Width Katakanas '。': b'\xa1', '「': b'\xa2', '」': b'\xa3', '、': b'\xa4', '・': b'\xa5', 'ヲ': b'\xa6', 'ァ': b'\xa7', 'ィ': b'\xa8', 'ゥ': b'\xa9', 'ェ': b'\xaa', 'ォ': b'\xab', 'ャ': b'\xac', 'ュ': b'\xad', 'ョ': b'\xae', 'ッ': b'\xaf', 'ー': b'\xb0', 'ア': b'\xb1', 'イ': b'\xb2', 'ウ': b'\xb3', 'エ': b'\xb4', 'オ': b'\xb5', 'カ': b'\xb6', 'キ': b'\xb7', 'ク': b'\xb8', 'ケ': b'\xb9', 'コ': b'\xba', 'サ': b'\xbb', 'シ': b'\xbc', 'ス': b'\xbd', 'セ': b'\xbe', 'ソ': b'\xbf', 'タ': b'\xc0', 'チ': b'\xc1', 'ツ': b'\xc2', 'テ': b'\xc3', 'ト': b'\xc4', 'ナ': b'\xc5', 'ニ': b'\xc6', 'ヌ': b'\xc7', 'ネ': b'\xc8', 'ノ': b'\xc9', 'ハ': b'\xca', 'ヒ': b'\xcb', 'フ': b'\xcc', 'ヘ': b'\xcd', 'ホ': b'\xce', 'マ': b'\xcf', 'ミ': b'\xd0', 'ム': b'\xd1', 'メ': b'\xd2', 'モ': b'\xd3', 'ヤ': b'\xd4', 'ユ': b'\xd5', 'ヨ': b'\xd6', 'ラ': b'\xd7', 'リ': b'\xd8', 'ル': b'\xd9', 'レ': b'\xda', 'ロ': b'\xdb', 'ワ': b'\xdc', 'ン': b'\xdd', '゙': b'\xde', '゚': b'\xdf', }