#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """tests for the File printer :author: `Patrick Kanzler <patrick.kanzler@fablab.fau.de>`_ :organization: `python-escpos <https://github.com/python-escpos>`_ :copyright: Copyright (c) 2016 `python-escpos <https://github.com/python-escpos>`_ :license: GNU GPL v3 """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import six import pytest from hypothesis import given from hypothesis.strategies import text import escpos.printer as printer if six.PY3: mock_open_call = 'builtins.open' else: mock_open_call = '__builtin__.open' @given(path=text()) def test_load_file_printer(mocker, path): """test the loading of the file-printer""" mock_escpos = mocker.patch('escpos.escpos.Escpos.__init__') mock_open = mocker.patch(mock_open_call) printer.File(devfile=path) assert mock_escpos.called mock_open.assert_called_with(path, "wb") @given(txt=text()) def test_auto_flush(mocker, txt): """test auto_flush in file-printer""" mock_escpos = mocker.patch('escpos.escpos.Escpos.__init__') mock_open = mocker.patch(mock_open_call) mock_device = mocker.patch.object(printer.File, 'device') p = printer.File(auto_flush=False) # inject the mocked device-object p.device = mock_device p._raw(txt) assert not mock_device.flush.called mock_device.reset_mock() p = printer.File(auto_flush=True) # inject the mocked device-object p.device = mock_device p._raw(txt) assert mock_device.flush.called @given(txt=text()) def test_flush_on_close(mocker, txt): """test flush on close in file-printer""" mock_open = mocker.patch(mock_open_call) mock_device = mocker.patch.object(printer.File, 'device') p = printer.File(auto_flush=False) # inject the mocked device-object p.device = mock_device p._raw(txt) assert not mock_device.flush.called p.close() assert mock_device.flush.called assert mock_device.close.called