#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """tests for the Cups printer :author: Benito López and the python-escpos developers :organization: `python-escpos `_ :copyright: Copyright (c) 2023 `python-escpos `_ :license: MIT """ import logging import sys import pytest # skip all the tests if the platform is Windows pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif( sys.platform == "win32", reason="skipping non Windows platform specific tests" ) def test_device_not_initialized(cupsprinter): """ GIVEN a cups printer object WHEN it is not initialized THEN check the device property is False """ assert cupsprinter._device is False def test_open_raise_exception(cupsprinter, devicenotfounderror): """ GIVEN a cups printer object WHEN open() is set to raise a DeviceNotFoundError on error THEN check the exception is raised """ cupsprinter.host = "fakehost" with pytest.raises(devicenotfounderror): cupsprinter.open(raise_not_found=True) def test_open_not_raise_exception(cupsprinter, caplog): """ GIVEN a cups printer object WHEN open() is set to not raise on error but simply cancel THEN check the error is logged and open() canceled """ cupsprinter.host = "fakehost" with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR): cupsprinter.open(raise_not_found=False) assert "not available" in caplog.text assert cupsprinter.device is None def test_open(cupsprinter, caplog, mocker): """ GIVEN a cups printer object and a mocked pycups device WHEN a valid connection to a device is opened THEN check the success is logged and the device property is set """ mocker.patch("cups.Connection") mocker.patch("escpos.printer.CupsPrinter.printers", new={"test_printer": "Test"}) cupsprinter.printer_name = "test_printer" assert cupsprinter.printer_name in cupsprinter.printers with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO): cupsprinter.open() assert "enabled" in caplog.text assert cupsprinter.device def test_close_on_reopen(cupsprinter, mocker): """ GIVEN a cups printer object and a mocked connection WHEN a valid connection to a device is reopened before close THEN check the close method is called if _device """ spy = mocker.spy(cupsprinter, "close") mocker.patch("cups.Connection") mocker.patch("escpos.printer.CupsPrinter.printers", new={"test_printer": "Test"}) cupsprinter.printer_name = "test_printer" cupsprinter.open() assert cupsprinter._device cupsprinter.open() spy.assert_called_once() def test_close(cupsprinter, caplog, mocker): """ GIVEN a cups printer object and a mocked pycups device WHEN a connection is opened and closed THEN check the closing is logged and the device property is False """ mocker.patch("cups.Connection") mocker.patch("escpos.printer.CupsPrinter.printers", new={"test_printer": "Test"}) cupsprinter.printer_name = "test_printer" cupsprinter.open() with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO): cupsprinter.close() assert "Closing" in caplog.text assert cupsprinter._device is False def test_send_on_close(cupsprinter, mocker): """ GIVEN a cups printer object and a mocked pycups device WHEN closing connection before send the buffer THEN check the buffer is sent and cleared """ mocked_cups = mocker.patch("cups.Connection") spy_send = mocker.spy(cupsprinter, "send") spy_clear = mocker.spy(cupsprinter, "_clear") cupsprinter._device = mocked_cups cupsprinter.pending_job = True cupsprinter.close() spy_send.assert_called_once() spy_clear.assert_called_once() assert cupsprinter.pending_job is False def test_raw_raise_exception(cupsprinter): """ GIVEN a cups printer object WHEN passing a non byte string to _raw() THEN check an exception is raised and pending_job is False """ with pytest.raises(TypeError): cupsprinter._raw("Non bytes") assert cupsprinter.pending_job is False def test_raw(cupsprinter): """ GIVEN a cups printer object WHEN passing a byte string to _raw() THEN check the buffer content """ cupsprinter._raw(b"Test") cupsprinter.tmpfile.seek(0) assert cupsprinter.tmpfile.read() == b"Test" def test_printers_no_device(cupsprinter): """ GIVEN a cups printer object WHEN device is None THEN check the return value is {} """ cupsprinter.device = None assert cupsprinter.printers == {} def test_read_no_device(cupsprinter): """ GIVEN a cups printer object WHEN device is None THEN check the return value is [] """ cupsprinter.device = None assert cupsprinter._read() == []