Raspberry Pi

This instructions were tested on Raspbian.

Unless you have done any distro with libusb-1.0 on the Raspberry Pi, the
following instructions should works fine on your raspberry distro.


First, install the packages available on Raspbian.


    # apt-get install python-imaging python-serial python-setuptools


PyUSB 1.0 is not available on Ubuntu, so you have to download and
install it manually

1. Download the latest tarball from
   `Sourceforge <http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyusb/files/>`__
2. Decompress the zip file
3. Install the library


       # wget ...
       # unzip pyusb*.zip
       # cd pyusb*
       # python setup.py build
       # sudo python setup.py install


1. Checkout the code from github
2. Install the library


       # git clone https://github.com/lincolnloop/python-qrcode
       # cd python-qrcode
       # python setup.py build
       # sudo python setup.py install


If you have installed pyusb for libusb-1.0 then you need to:

1. Download the latest file
2. Decompress the file
3. Install the library


    # git clone https://github.com/manpaz/python-escpos.git
    # cd python-escpos
    # python setup.py build
    # sudo python setup.py install

Now you can attach your printer and and test it with the example code in
the project's `home <https://github.com/manpaz/python-escpos>`__