112 lines
4.2 KiB
112 lines
4.2 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""tests for the magic encode module
:author: `Patrick Kanzler <patrick.kanzler@fablab.fau.de>`_
:organization: `python-escpos <https://github.com/python-escpos>`_
:copyright: Copyright (c) 2016 `python-escpos <https://github.com/python-escpos>`_
:license: GNU GPL v3
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from nose.tools import raises, assert_raises
from hypothesis import given, example
import hypothesis.strategies as st
from escpos.magicencode import MagicEncode
from escpos.exceptions import CharCodeError, Error
from escpos.constants import CHARCODE
def test_magic_encode_unkown_char_constant_as_startenc():
"""tests whether MagicEncode raises the proper Exception when an unknown charcode-name is passed as startencoding"""
def test_magic_encode_unkown_char_constant_as_defaultenc():
"""tests whether MagicEncode raises the proper Exception when an unknown charcode-name is passed as defaultenc."""
def test_magic_encode_wo_arguments():
"""tests whether MagicEncode works in the standard configuration"""
def test_magic_encode_w_non_binary_defaultsymbol():
"""tests whether MagicEncode catches non-binary defaultsymbols"""
def test_magic_encode_w_binary_defaultsymbol(symbol):
"""tests whether MagicEncode works with any binary symbol"""
def test_magic_encode_encode_text_unicode_string(text):
"""tests whether MagicEncode can accept a unicode string"""
me = MagicEncode()
def test_magic_encode_encode_char(char):
"""tests the encode_char-method of MagicEncode"""
me = MagicEncode()
def test_magic_encode_encode_char_binary(char):
"""tests the encode_char-method of MagicEncode with binary input"""
me = MagicEncode()
def test_magic_encode_string_with_katakana_and_hiragana():
"""tests the encode_string-method with katakana and hiragana"""
me = MagicEncode()
def test_magic_encode_codepage_sequence_unknown_key():
"""tests whether MagicEncode.codepage_sequence raises the proper Exception with unknown charcode-names"""
def test_magic_encode_codepage_name_unknown_key():
"""tests whether MagicEncode.codepage_name raises the proper Exception with unknown charcode-names"""
def test_magic_encode_constants_getter():
"""tests whether the constants are properly fetched"""
for key in CHARCODE:
name = CHARCODE[key][1]
if name == '':
assert_raises(CharCodeError, MagicEncode.codepage_name, key)
assert name == MagicEncode.codepage_name(key)
assert MagicEncode.codepage_sequence(key) == CHARCODE[key][0]
def test_magic_encode_force_encoding():
"""test whether force_encoding works as expected"""
me = MagicEncode()
assert me.force_encoding is False
me.set_encoding(encoding='KATAKANA', force_encoding=True)
assert me.encoding == 'KATAKANA'
assert me.force_encoding is True
# TODO Idee für unittest: hypothesis-strings erzeugen, in encode_text werfen
# Ergebnis durchgehen: Vorkommnisse von Stuersequenzen suchen und daran den Text splitten in ein sortiertes dict mit Struktur:
# encoding: textfolge
# das alles wieder in unicode dekodieren mit den codepages und dann zusammenbauen
# fertigen String mit hypothesis-string vergleichen (Achtung bei katana-conversion. Die am besten auch auf den hypothesis-string
# anwenden)
# TODO bei nicht kodierbarem Zeichen Fehler werfen! Als Option das verhalten von jetzt hinzufügen