Actually the hardware barcode implementation is very specific and not generic enough for just adding a `soft_render=True` argument to it. This is a first work that can be improved with other commits, maybe for merging this method in the `barcode` method after some cleanup. The width, height and text_distance were set using empiric print-and-retry tests so that the generated barcode looks nice to the eye (and to the eye of an Android scanner tool. !WARNING! Printing a barcode that is too large in width will result in the printer to go crazy trying to print an image that is too large for it. This may be fixed by raising an exception in the `image` method.
############################################################# python-escpos - Python library to manipulate ESC/POS Printers ############################################################# .. image:: https://travis-ci.org/python-escpos/python-escpos.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/python-escpos/python-escpos :alt: Continous Integration .. image:: https://www.quantifiedcode.com/api/v1/project/95748b89a3974700800b85e4ed3d32c4/badge.svg :target: https://www.quantifiedcode.com/app/project/95748b89a3974700800b85e4ed3d32c4 :alt: Code issues .. image:: https://landscape.io/github/python-escpos/python-escpos/master/landscape.svg?style=flat :target: https://landscape.io/github/python-escpos/python-escpos/master :alt: Code Health .. image:: https://codecov.io/github/python-escpos/python-escpos/coverage.svg?branch=master :target: https://codecov.io/github/python-escpos/python-escpos?branch=master :alt: Code Coverage .. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/python-escpos/badge/?version=stable :target: http://python-escpos.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=stable :alt: Documentation Status Description ----------- Python ESC/POS is a library which lets the user have access to all those printers handled by ESC/POS commands, as defined by Epson, from a Python application. The library tries to implement the functions provided by the ESC/POS-commandset and supports sending text, images, barcodes and qr-codes to the printer. Text can be aligned/justified and fonts can be changed by size, type and weight. Also, this module handles some hardware functionalities like cutting paper, control characters, printer reset and similar functions. Since supported commands differ from printer to printer the software tries to automatically apply the right settings for the printer that you set. These settings are handled by `escpos-printer-db <https://github.com/receipt-print-hq/escpos-printer-db>`_ which is also used in `escpos-php <https://github.com/mike42/escpos-php>`_. Dependencies ------------ This library makes use of: * pyusb for USB-printers * Pillow for image printing * qrcode for the generation of QR-codes * pyserial for serial printers Documentation and Usage ----------------------- The basic usage is: .. code:: python from escpos.printer import Usb """ Seiko Epson Corp. Receipt Printer (EPSON TM-T88III) """ p = Usb(0x04b8, 0x0202, 0, profile="TM-T88III") p.text("Hello World\n") p.image("logo.gif") p.barcode('1324354657687', 'EAN13', 64, 2, '', '') p.cut() The full project-documentation is available on `Read the Docs <https://python-escpos.readthedocs.io>`_. Contributing ------------ This project is open for any contribution! Please see CONTRIBUTING.rst for more information.