* add a method to check barcode code format ensure that the code to print is compatible with the ESC/POS formats and also automatically check this format before printing (barcode() method). * rewrite test using pytest's parametrize functionality * add test for the 'check' argument * update authors list
105 lines
4.0 KiB
105 lines
4.0 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import escpos.printer as printer
import pytest
@pytest.mark.parametrize("bctype,data", [
('UPC-A', '01234567890'),
('UPC-A', '012345678905'),
('UPC-E', '01234567'),
('UPC-E', '0123456'),
('UPC-E', '012345678905'),
('EAN13', '0123456789012'),
('EAN13', '012345678901'),
('EAN8', '01234567'),
('EAN8', '0123456'),
('CODE39', 'ABC-1234'),
('CODE39', 'ABC-1234-$$-+A'),
('CODE39', '*WIKIPEDIA*'),
('ITF', '010203040506070809'),
('ITF', '11221133113344556677889900'),
('CODABAR', 'A2030405060B'),
('CODABAR', 'C11221133113344556677889900D'),
('CODABAR', 'D0D'),
('NW7', 'A2030405060B'),
('NW7', 'C11221133113344556677889900D'),
('NW7', 'D0D'),
('CODE93', 'A2030405060B'),
('CODE93', '+:$&23-7@$'),
('CODE93', 'D0D'),
('CODE128', '{A2030405060B'),
('CODE128', '{C+:$&23-7@$'),
('CODE128', '{B0D'),
('GS1-128', '{A2030405060B'),
('GS1-128', '{C+:$&23-7@$'),
('GS1-128', '{B0D'),
('GS1 DATABAR OMNIDIRECTIONAL', '0123456789123'),
('GS1 DATABAR TRUNCATED', '0123456789123'),
('GS1 DATABAR LIMITED', '0123456789123'),
('GS1 DATABAR EXPANDED', '(9A{A20304+-%&06a0B'),
('GS1 DATABAR EXPANDED', '(1 {C+:&23-7%'),
('GS1 DATABAR EXPANDED', '(00000001234567678'),
def test_check_valid_barcode(bctype, data):
assert (printer.Escpos.check_barcode(bctype, data))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("bctype,data", [
('UPC-A', '01234567890123'), # too long
('UPC-A', '0123456789'), # too short
('UPC-A', '72527273-711'), # invalid '-'
('UPC-A', 'A12345678901'), # invalid 'A'
('UPC-E', '01234567890123'), # too long
('UPC-E', '012345'), # too short
('UPC-E', '72527-2'), # invalid '-'
('UPC-E', 'A123456'), # invalid 'A'
('EAN13', '0123456789'), # too short
('EAN13', 'A123456789012'), # invalid 'A'
('EAN13', '012345678901234'), # too long
('EAN8', '012345'), # too short
('EAN8', 'A123456789012'), # invalid 'A'
('EAN8', '012345678901234'), # too long
('CODE39', 'ALKJ_34'), # invalid '_'
('CODE39', 'A' * 256), # too long
('ITF', '010203040'), # odd length
('ITF', '0' * 256), # too long
('ITF', 'AB01'), # invalid 'A'
('CODABAR', '010203040'), # no start/stop
('CODABAR', '0' * 256), # too long
('CODABAR', 'AB-01F'), # invalid 'B'
('NW7', '010203040'), # no start/stop
('NW7', '0' * 256), # too long
('NW7', 'AB-01F'), # invalid 'B'
('CODE93', 'é010203040'), # invalid 'é'
('CODE93', '0' * 256), # too long
('CODE128', '010203040'), # missing leading {
('CODE128', '{D2354AA'), # second char not between A-C
('CODE128', '0' * 256), # too long
('GS1-128', '010203040'), # missing leading {
('GS1-128', '{D2354AA'), # second char not between A-C
('GS1-128', '0' * 256), # too long
('GS1 DATABAR OMNIDIRECTIONAL', '01234567891234'), # too long
('GS1 DATABAR OMNIDIRECTIONAL', '012345678912'), # too short
('GS1 DATABAR OMNIDIRECTIONAL', '012345678A1234'), # invalid 'A'
('GS1 DATABAR TRUNCATED', '01234567891234'), # too long
('GS1 DATABAR TRUNCATED', '012345678912'), # too short
('GS1 DATABAR TRUNCATED', '012345678A1234'), # invalid 'A'
('GS1 DATABAR LIMITED', '01234567891234'), # too long
('GS1 DATABAR LIMITED', '012345678912'), # too short
('GS1 DATABAR LIMITED', '012345678A1234'), # invalid 'A'
('GS1 DATABAR LIMITED', '02345678912341'), # invalid start (should be 01)
('GS1 DATABAR EXPANDED', '010203040'), # missing leading (
('GS1-128', '(' + ('0' * 256)), # too long
('GS1 DATABAR EXPANDED', '(a{D2354AA'), # second char not between 0-9
('GS1 DATABAR EXPANDED', 'IT will fail'), # first char not '('
def test_check_invalid_barcode(bctype, data):
assert (not printer.Escpos.check_barcode(bctype, data))