Patrick Kanzler 9f5eed0020
add version-strings into the module
The version string is in the module as __version__ available.
In the doc the version will be automatically parsed. The version comes
from the installed module if on read the docs or directly from
setuptools_scm if you are working locally.
The CLI will issue the version string if you call it with the option
'version'. The CLI does not accept commands like '--version', since this
would not be conform with the rest of the interface (and argparse).

The configuration for loading the version-string is adapted from
pimutils/vdirsyncer. It autogenerates a version string setuptools_scm at
install-time and then adds it to the __version__ member in

I adapted the GitHub-template with a fitting comment and bumped the

closes #141
2016-07-17 19:39:42 +02:00

27 lines
586 B

Please feel free to delete any sections that aren't relevant.
<!-- mark with x between the [ ] -->
I have:
- [ ] searched open and closed issues for duplicates
### Bug description
### Steps to reproduce
- add your steps here
- as a list
- using hyphens
### Device info
<!-- Replace examples with your info -->
**Printer:** Manufacturer Model XVI
<!-- since version 2.0.1 you can type 'python-escpos version' in your shell.
Alternatively you could use '__version__' in module escpos. -->
**python-escpos version:** 0.0.0
**python version:** 0.0
**operating system:**